Xenopus H2A a.a.1-112

Histone H2A a.a.1-112, Recombinant Xenopus laevis - 4.0 mg

SKU: XH2A_N112
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  • Number of amino acids: 112, Molecular weight: 12150.0, Theoretical pI: 11.17, Extinction coefficient: 4470 *
  • Amino acid sequence: C-terminal  a.a.113-129 deletion
  • Compared to the Pubmed Xen H2A sequence (Accession # AAA49769), the Luger lab construct (Accession # CAD89676) contains the mutation G99R

     * Calculated by ExPASy-ProtParam: https://web.expasy.org/cgi-bin/protparam/protparam